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Enhance Your Firm's Online Presence in 3 Easy Steps

Written by Max Camp, CIMA, Director of Advisor Experience | March 20, 2024 at 12:45 PM

Estimated Time to Read: 2 minutes

Having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, especially financial advisory firms. With more people turning to the internet to search for advisory services, or to validate your firm's information upon a referral from a current client or COI, it is essential to conduct a review of your website and to optimize your online presence through "Search Engine Optimization" or SEO strategies.

A successful SEO strategy can take time and effort and may seem like a black box, making it difficult to understand just how it works. The key is to be patient, be consistent, and maintain your online presence.

In this post, we'll share three easy steps your firm can take to review your website and enhance your SEO strategy. Our Advisor Experience team is happy to help take a deeper dive anytime.  Contact us here.

Step 1: Conduct a Comprehensive Audit of Your Website and Strategy

Does your website load quickly? Is your website clean, organized, and easy to navigate? Is your team member and contact information accurate? Do all of your hyperlinks work? Is your content refreshed?

During your audit, make sure to analyze your website's traffic sources and delve into any technical issues that could impact your rankings. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console can provide valuable insights into your website's performance and help you identify areas for improvement.

Step 2: Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

Pick up your phone and/or tablet and go to your website. How does it look? Is it responsive? Easy to navigate? Does it load quickly?

It is important for your existing and prospective clients to have a positive experience every time they interact with you, whether that be in a meeting, on a call, or on your website.

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search rankings, so optimizing your site for mobile users can significantly improve your SEO performance.

Step 3: Keywords are Key

Keywords serve as the foundation of any effective SEO strategy. You want the keywords on your website to be relevant to what people are searching for so they have a better chance of finding your content among the search engine page results.

Start by identifying the keywords and phrases your target audience is using to search for financial advisory services. Are these terms and phrases on your website? Tools like Google Trends can give you insight into what people are searching for and how different terms or phrases are performing.

One thing to consider... higher volume keywords have more competition. Do your best to stay away from popular terms. Get specific, for example, financial planner in Philadelphia vs. financial planner.


It is no surprise that a strong online presence is vital for the success of financial advisory firms. By conducting a comprehensive audit of your website, optimizing it for mobile devices, and strategically incorporating relevant keywords, you can enhance your SEO strategy and increase your visibility online.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so stay vigilant, monitor your performance, and adapt your strategy as needed to stay ahead of the competition.