Effective Workflows for Operational Efficient RIAs

Estimated Time to Read: 2 minutes

tru Independence's service pod structure enables our Operations teams to become truly ingrained into the processes of our partner firms.  Through that experience we find themes across the RIAs that we serve and work together to implement the top ideas and best practices across our Community.

A common thread to an efficiently run RIA is the ability to implement and consistently apply "Workflows" to your daily tasks.  The best firms leverage technology for automation and to scale.  As a business owner, scale and process are your allies and as your Partner, tru strives to set our teams on a glidepath to Operational Efficiency.

Today, we wanted to share a few of the top Workflows that we recommend our Partner firms apply.  Please contact your tru Experience Team if you'd like to discuss these or any others further.


1) Client Prospecting and Sales:  Having a well-documented prospecting and sales process ensures a seamless and effective experience for both potential clients and your internal team. A formal workflow can improve your process with consistent messaging, defined next steps, tasks and alerts to prevent prospects from falling through the cracks.  At tru, we strongly encourage our partner firms to implement Pipeline tracking and workflows through your CRM tool.  As you look to grow, these workflows allow you to find themes and identify strengths and weaknesses in your offering and/or process.

2) New Client Onboarding: A well-defined Onboarding Workflow sets the tone for the entire client relationship, ensuring that new clients have a positive and professional experience from the very beginning. These workflows reduce the time and effort required to get a new client up & running, while setting clear expectations regarding necessary steps. These tasks & roles become even more defined through the Workflow functionality in your CRM system, like truView or others, improving cross-functional coordination & data collection while minimizing errors and delays.

3) Client Meetings: Implementing a Client Meeting Workflow improves organization in scheduling, conducting, follow-up and follow-through with your clients. This structured approach to managing meetings can lead to stronger client relationships & more efficient conversations. These processes become even less demanding with Email tools in your CRM.  For example, as part of the Workflows in truView, we recommend our teams leverage Email Templates for consistent messaging, with tasks and alerts assigned to ensure timely execution.

4) Distributions: Distribution Workflows are crucial for ensuring financial transactions are securely handled with accuracy, precision & efficiency.  A structured workflow enhances risk management & compliance, demonstrating reliability and professionalism to your clients.


About the author

Ari Danelian, Analyst III, Advisor Experience

Ari Danelian serves as an Operations Analyst III at tru Independence, supporting our Partner firms with onboardings, transitions and executing daily tasks, while implementing best practices and processes that enable our firms to grow efficiently. Before joining tru, she spent 5+ years garnering experience across multiple roles in the financial industry, contributing to her well-rounded approach as an analyst. Ari attended the University of San Francisco, achieving both a BA and MA in Economics in 2019. She resides in Salt Lake City, where you can find her playing music, hiking, hosting game nights, cooking or spending time with her cat, Knives.