Trusted Insights from tru

Mid-Year Market Update, M&A, RIA Benchmarking and Gen AI

Written by Max Camp, CIMA, Director of Advisor Experience | July 25, 2024 at 4:00 PM

Estimated Time to Read: 1 Minute

From the desk of Max Camp, Director of Advisor Experience, here are a few things that we are reading this month related to the Markets, M&A, RIA Benchmarking and Gen AI.  Enjoy!


Investment Update and Outlook from tru Investment Management

Brian Huckstep, CFA, CFP, whom serves as the Outsourced Chief Investment Officer for our partner firms that leverage the Investment Management Platform through truView, shares his thoughts and keys-in on US Spending vs. Taxing.


Sanctuary Wealth 2024 Mid-Year Market Outlook

Next, from Sanctuary's Chief Investment Strategist Mary Ann Bartels, an in-depth Mid-Year Market Update and Outlook.  Mary Ann shares a few of her thoughts and favorite charts that she has been reviewing with clients lately. 


Q2 2024 M&A Report (Fidelity)

RIA M&A continues to be a focus of the industry.  In their latest quarterly report, Fidelity observed 54 RIA M&A deals and $230bn in purchased assets during the 2nd quarter of 2024.  Notably, the total amount of assets that changed hands more than tripled from the same quarter last year. 

tru, alongside our partners at Sanctuary Wealth, can support your M&A initiatives in a variety of ways.  Talk to us.


2024 RIA Benchmarking Study Highlights (Schwab)

Charles Schwab's annual survey is a must read for the Advisor Experience team at tru.  We leverage the insights, alongside tru Community feedback, to craft content and services to support our partner firms.  Here are the key highlights.  Reach out to us to review together.


Gen AI: too much spend, too little benefit (Goldman Sachs)

Goldman Sachs' research paper on AI made quite a stir lately, as it featured thought leader Daron Acemoglu of MIT, whom is bearish on the real impact of AI on future US productivity and growth.  It is a great read so we thought we'd share his interview, along with the counterargument from economist Joseph Briggs at Goldman Sachs.


A Short History of AI Developments (Goldman Sachs)

From the same paper, Goldman Sachs shared a cool chart showing the short history several important AI Development's since 2022.  You should check it out.