Safeguarding Your RIA with truShield Email Security

Estimated Time to Read: 3 minutes

As tru’s Chief Technology Officer, I cannot emphasize enough the critical importance of fortifying our defenses against cyber threats. In the ever-evolving landscape of digital risks, one of the most prevalent dangers we face is phishing attacks. This blog post aims to shed light on the potential consequences of a phishing attack and explain why tru has partnered with Graphus and adopted truShield, an AI-powered email security system.

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Understanding the Consequences:

Phishing attacks have evolved beyond the traditional image of suspicious emails from unknown sources. Today, attackers employ sophisticated tactics, often impersonating trusted entities and using social engineering techniques to deceive even the most vigilant individuals. For RIAs, the consequences of a successful phishing attack are not just theoretical; they can have profound real-world impacts:

  1. Financial Fallout: A successful phishing attack can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive financial information, potentially resulting in substantial financial losses for both our platform and our clients.
  2. Reputation Damage: In the financial industry, trust is paramount. A successful phishing attack can erode the trust our clients place in us, damaging our reputation and potentially leading to a loss of clients.
  3. Regulatory Compliance Risks: As an RIA platform, we operate within a highly regulated environment. A successful phishing attack that compromises client data can lead to severe regulatory consequences and legal ramifications.
  4. Operational Disruption: Beyond financial implications, a phishing attack can disrupt our day-to-day operations, causing downtime, delays, and potentially hindering our ability to serve our clients effectively.

Why truShield?

In our quest to fortify our defenses against phishing attacks, we turned to “truShield”—an AI-powered email security system designed explicitly to counter the evolving nature of cyber threats. Here's why truShield stands out:

  1. Advanced Threat Detection: truShield leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to detect and neutralize phishing threats in real-time. Its ability to analyze patterns and adapt to new attack methods makes it a formidable ally in our cybersecurity arsenal.
  2. User Education: truShield goes beyond mere protection by actively engaging users in cybersecurity education. It provides real-time feedback to users about potentially harmful emails, empowering them to make informed decisions and serve as an additional layer of defense.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting: To stay ahead of emerging threats, it's crucial to have comprehensive insights into attempted attacks. truShield provides detailed reporting and analytics, enabling us to continuously refine our cybersecurity strategy based on real-world data. See Sample Monthly Report Here.


My foremost duty is to ensure the safety and integrity of our digital environment. Phishing attacks pose a clear and present danger to the financial industry, and the consequences of neglecting this threat are too severe to ignore.

truShield isn't just an email security system; it's a proactive shield that actively adapts to emerging threats, educates users, and provides us with the insights needed to stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries. The decision to adopt truShield isn't just about enhancing security—it's about safeguarding our reputation, protecting our clients, and fortifying the foundation of trust upon which your RIA stands.

About the author

Paul Dalton, Chief Technology Officer, CISSP

Paul Dalton is the Chief Technology Officer at tru Independence. In this role he manages the technology infrastructure and cybersecurity for tru and all of the RIAs within their community. He previously served as the Director of Technology for a multi-million dollar wealth management firm where he managed the information technology infrastructure and support for multiple offices across the United States. Prior to that, he served as network administrator of a multi-billion dollar registered investment advisor that managed long-short equity funds of hedge funds.